Monday, September 17, 2012

Usher's Role MUN 2012

Usher’s Role in MUN
  • Before the MUN begins, you must help as Staff to accommodate tables, chairs and placards.
  • Help during the registration.
  • In the opening and closure ceremony, you must carry a flag for the flag parade.
  • When the president of the committee indicates it, open and close the door.
  • When a delegate calls you to deliver a message, take the message to the Conference Officer for him/ her to authorize it, then take it back to the delegate and wait if there is any response.
  • When a delegate calls you because he/she wants more water, refill his/her bottle.
  • During the MUN, if you observe any violation to the protocol (that hasn’t been already reported) you must immediately report it to the Secretariat.
  • You must monitor the correct use of the official language (English, except in the OEA). You must pay more attention during the Simple Caucus.
  • You must check that electronic devices are being used only to consult. If not, you must report it to the Secretariat.
  • You cannot deliver messages in this cases:
  • If the message is not written in the official language.
  • If the message is offensive.
  • If the message has no relation with the topic that is being discussed.
  • During the vote, lecture of the working papers, resolutions, amendments or whenever the door is closed.
  • Ushers must be serious.
  • You must be respectful.
  • You must observe everything that is happening during the conference.
  • You must be attentive and polite.
  • You can’t chat with another usher or delegate.

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