Monday, October 8, 2012

MUN video Criteria

Video theme: ___________________________________________________________

Name: _________________________________   
Name: _________________________________
Name: _________________________________

All Productions must have:     an Introduction
                                                    an Ending 
        words ( edited in )

SOUND:  make sure that it is good quality

Assignment will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Not just "talking heads".
  • Good variety of shots / angles.
  • Follows your approved storyboard.
  • Relies on cinematic visuals to drive the story, not just dialogue, not just titles and text.
  • 3 minutes or shorter. (One of the editor's main jobs is to cut out the excess, even when it's "good" footage!
  • Uploaded and submitted URL is accessible in YouTube by the public. (We can't grade it if it's set to Personal/Private, so make sure you can still watch it when you're not logged into YouTube.)
  • Originality 
  • Apparent effort.

Follows storyboard
3 minutes or shorter
Apparent effort
Quality: sound / image 
Final grade:

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