Monday, September 17, 2012

Sample working / resolution paers

The format for a working paper/draft resolution is

Submitted by:
Submitted to:

The (insert name of committee here),

Realizing that these are preambulatory clauses,

Recognizes that preambs only state the problem,

1. Decides to write operative clauses next to numbers so that:
a) sub-operative clauses may be placed next to letters,
i) and further sub-op clauses go next to Roman Numerals;

2. Requires that resolutions be written as one long sentence.

Please note, the General Assembly (GA) can only sugguest, recommend, propose, or use opening words like that. Only the Security Council (SC) can demand, condemz, require, or send in peace keeping forces.

To get your resolution recognized:
Try to get around the meeting by asking for un-moderated caucusses (aka recess the meeting). I would sugguest 5 minutes for small commitees and 10 or 15 minutes for medium or large commitees. 

To present your working paper as a draft resolution, you must present it to the chair during a speech on the speakers list. If you are low on the speakers list, get a yield and present your resolution that way.

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