Saturday, September 1, 2012

New Chair assignments Nov.2012

Conference Officer
Security Council
A) Consolidation of peace and security in Mali
B) Military bases in foreign countries and effects on the sovereignty of the host country 
Erica Rizo
Juan Aguirre
Lilia Anguino

General Assembly
  1. Territorial disputes and underwater resources
  2. Regulating private military contractors around the world
David Gutierrez
Andrea Cortes
Mari jose

Economic and Social committee  
  1. Promoting the millennium development goals in nations emerging from internal or international conflicts
  2. Debt crisis: Austerity Measures-Europe and the rest of the world
Mariana Ramirez
Leonardo Magana

Human Rights
  1. UN effective presence in the Middle East
  2. Addressing forced birth control mythods
Veronica Garcia
Karla Gonzalez
Gabby Rizo

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