Saturday, September 1, 2012

B-Team MUN Chair assignment 2012

Conference Officer
Security Council
A) Consolidation of peace and security in Mali
B) Military bases in foreign countries and effects on the sovereignty of the host country 
Guzman Greg
Correa Amaury
Barajas Veronica
General Assembly
  1. Territorial disputes and underwater resources
  2. Regulating private military contractors around the world
Iniguez Manuel
Marquez Claribel
Economic and Social committee  
  1. Promoting the millennium development goals in nations emerging from internal or international conflicts
  2. Debt crisis: Austerity Measures-Europe and the rest of the world
Lopez Dulce
Marquez Lourdes
Garcia Jose
Human Rights
  1. UN effective presence in the Middle East
  2. Addressing forced birth control mythods
Marquez Elias 
Murguia Sergio
Gutierrez Jose
  1. Addressing the problem of infanticide
B) Famine around the world- A call to action
Lopez Daniel
Ruenes Brian
Velazquez Adrian

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