Thursday, October 17, 2013

Parallel Structure


Parallel structure

In the four sentences below, circle the correct word or phrase that gives the sentence correct parallel structure.

1. Justin was excited about inviting friends over, eating a good meal, and ___ .
a. ...a game of cards.
b. play cards.
c. ...playing a game of cards.

2. I have always enjoyed reading the book more than _____________________.
a. ...I watched the movie version.
b. ...watching the movie.
c. watch the movie.

3. When the weather outside is cold and ________, I like to be indoors.
a. ...starting to get windy...
b. ...windy...
c. ...getting windy...

4. Running, lifting, and ____________ are three of Ashley’s favorite exercises.
a. ...racquetball...
b. ...a spinning class...
c. ...bicycling...

B. In the sentences below, write a word or phrase in the blank that gives the sentence Parallel Structure.

The little girl liked eating cookies better than _____________________________ at her grandmother’s house.

2. Students like to sleep, relax and _______________________________________ during the summer.

3. He went to the store to pick up a carton of milk and two ____________________.

4. Food, shelter, and ___________________________________________________ are all I need to survive on a deserted island.

5. ______________________________________ is much better than a visit to the dentist.

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