Sunday, September 16, 2012

Working paper, Draft resolution and resolution definitions

Mr. Rivera's MUN Definitions

Working Paper
A working paper is simply a statement, which shows the direction in which the committee is moving. It is not binding on any country and it is not voted upon by the committee. However it is usually incorporated into the draft resolution. A working paper needs at least two signatories and an author before it is submitted to the chairperson for approval.

Draft Resolutions
Draft resolutions are all resolutions that have not yet been voted on. Delegates write draft resolutions alone or with other countries. There are three main parts to a draft resolution: the heading, the preamble and the operative section. The heading shows the committee and topic along with the resolution number. It also lists the draft resolution’s sponsors and signatories. Each draft resolution is one long sentence with sections separated by commas and semicolons. The subject of the sentence is the body making the statement (e.g. the General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, or Security Council). The preamble and operative sections then describe the current situation and actions that the committee will take.

The discussion usually ends with a resolution, i.e., a written suggestion for addressing a specific problem or issue. Resolutions, which are drafted by delegates and voted on by the committee, normally require a simple majority to pass (except in the Security Council). Only Security Council resolutions can compel nations to take action. All other UN bodies use resolutions to make recommendations or suggestions for future action.

Bringing a Resolution to the Floor for Debate
A draft resolution must always gain the support of a certain number of member states in the committee before the sponsors (the delegates who created the resolution) may submit it to the committee staff. Five signatories are required in order to submit a draft resolution. A staff member will read the draft resolution to ensure that it is relevant and in proper format. Only when a staff member formally accepts the document and assigns it a number can it be referred to in formal debate. A delegate must make a motion to in order to introduce the draft resolution.

Preambulatory Clauses
The preamble of a draft resolution states the reasons for which the committee is discussing a particular topic and highlights past international action on the issue. Each clause begins with a present participle (called a preambulatory phrase) and ends with a comma. 

Preambulatory clauses can include:

References to the UN Charter; Citations of past UN resolutions or treaties on the topic under discussion; Mentions of statements made by the Secretary-General or a relevant UN body or agency; Recognition of the efforts of regional or nongovernmental organizations in dealing with the issue; and general statements on the topic, its significance and its impact.

Operative clauses identify the actions or recommendations made in a resolution. Each operative clause begins with a verb (called an operative phrase) and ends with a semicolon. Operative clauses should be organized in a logical progression, with each containing a single idea or proposal, and are always numbered. If a clause requires further explanation, bulleted lists set off by letters or roman numerals can also be used. After the last operative clause, the resolution ends in a period

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