Saturday, August 4, 2012

Mr.Rivera's MUN syllabus

Mr. Rivera's MUN Syllabus
All assignments must be type-written and double spaced (size 12 font – times new roman) unless noted otherwise. Please place your name, Roll #, date, and assignment name in the upper right hand corner of your papers. Proper grammar and spelling is required. Late assignments will affect grade by one point per day late.
Class Material: An English/English Dictionary, Notebook, 3 ring binder (black), poster paper, colors, (as needed or required)video recording equipment (per group)
MUN Portfolio:
Each student is required to compile a three-ring binder containing all handouts, assignment, videos, pictures, evidence, research, and other relevant materials. The Portfolio will collected on the 7th of September and 23rd of October and returned for your use at the conference.
You will collect 1 (one) article per week and be prepared to present it in front of the class. The article must pertain either to the United Nations (UN), your assigned country, or committee issues. Each of the articles must be accompanied by at least 1 (one) paragraph summary and/or analysis and date and source of information must be noted. The articles may come from a newspaper, internet, magazines, or documented radio or television news report.
Position Paper
You are expected to create two position papers per group over the course of the semester. You will turn in a rough draft which will be reviewed for accuracy in content and form. The final drafts will be presented (in poster paper) in front of group. 
 Resolutions Paper 
You will submit (two) resolution per committee issue which will be graded. You will turn in a rough draft, which will be reviewed for accuracy in content and form. The final drafts will be presented (in poster paper) in front of group. 
 Pre-written resolutions are banned from the official conference. 
Video assignments You will make two videos that represent the vocabulary and rules seen in MUN per group. 
Throughout the semester we will conduct the majority of classes in parliamentary procedure. You are expected to adhere to this format in order to learn proper procedure. Refer to handouts for appropriate language and motions.
II. Attendance & Participation:
Regular attendance and participation is required in order to maintain the highest possible grade. You will be allowed 2 (two) excused absences after that your grade will be reduced one point for every class missed. Participation in all class activities including class discussion, simulations, and speeches, is vital for your success at the conference and therefore will be reflected in your final grade.

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