Thursday, October 20, 2011

Working Paper 1.1
Submitted by: China 
  1. Demands that all countries abide by the equal standards set in relation to the Nuclear Proliferation
  • Suggests that all countries, if they haven’t already, to sign the Non-proliferation treaty
  1. Affirms that an exchange program would be the best compromise
  • The Iranian government would simultaneously exchange low enriched Uranium for 20% (High) enriched Uranium, involving the member states of France, Russia and the People’s Republic of China.
  1. Confirms the Iranian government will allow full inspection and co-operation with the IAEA in reference to the Nuclear Enrichment program for civilian purposes
  2. Expresses its hope that further economic sanctions will not be an effective  measure used against Iran and its people
  3. Emphasizes talks with the P5+1 and Iran will only be convened through impartial mediators such as but not limited to Turkey and Gabon. 
  4. Encourages that all rhetoric aggression involving perceptions of Iran to cease immediately as it will allow better trust between the UN and Iran

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